telehealth now available!
Easy, secure and fast.
minimize travel time
Triage and qualifying follow up services now available at the convenience of your job site, minimizing wasted time on commute and waiting room.
Affordable and convenient
Our triage services are affordable and follow ups are processed in the same platforms as regular injury follow ups.
secure communication
We use a secure video portal that is easy to access either by phone, tablets or laptops. As long as you have audio video capeabilities.
saved to Comp's system: WIIMS
our very secure web portal WIIMS will house all your reports and give you access to do your authorizations.
Register for Telehealth Services
You need an active account with COMP in order to take advantage of our Telehealth services, if you want to create an account please download registration in our home page and follow instructions. Currently we provide Triage and qualifying injury follow ups via Telehealth. Once you register you will have access through our portal for treatment authorization and you will be given instructions on how easy it is to use.